Bækken, Bjørg: Word order patterns
Breivik, L. E. et al. (eds.): Essays on English language
Bielicki, Dragana Kovacevic: Born in Yugoslavia - Raised in Norway
Andresen, Astri et al. (eds.): Healthcare Systems
Vandenbussche et al. (eds.): Language Ecology for the 21st Century: Linguistic Conflicts and Social Environments
Trudgill, Peter: Norwegian as a normal language and other studies in Scandinavian linguistics
Tam, Kwok-kan: Ibsen, Power and the Self
Sundby, Bertil: English word-formation
Ommundsen, Åse Marie (ed.): Looking Out and Looking In
Paine, Robert: Camps of the Tundra
Obendorfer, Rudolf: Weak Forms in Present-day English
Lothe, Jakob et al. (eds.): Nordic Responses - Translation, History, Literary Culture
Lothe/Larsen (eds.): Perspectives on the Nordic
Lie, U./Rønning, A.H.(ed.): Dialoguing on Genres. Festskr.
Lindberg, Conrad (ed.): English Wyclif Tracts 1-3
Lausund, Olav et al. (ed.): Self-fashioning and Metamorpho
Helland/Holledge (eds.): Ibsen Between Cultures
Gustavsson, Anders: The folk-life artist Carl Gustaf Bernhardson
Enger/Knoph/Kristoffersen/Lind: Helt fabelaktig!
Clare, J./R. Eriksen (eds.): Contexts of Renaissance Comedy
Bækken, B.: Some aspects of 17th century English grammar
Andresen, Astri et al. (eds.): International and Local Approaches to Health and Health Care