Låg, Jul (ed.): Chemical climatology and geomedical problems
1. LAg
The International Society of Soil Science established in 1986 the Working Group "Soils and Geomedicine" with Professor R. Dudal, Belgium, as secretary and Professor J. Låg, Norway, as chairman. Before this time the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has had considerable activities in geomedicine. The Academy arranged symposia, partly in colloboration with other organizations. The last four arrangements are results of cooperation between the Working Group of ISSS and the geo medical committee of the Academy. Up to 1991 we have published proceedings from the seven symposia:
"Geomedical aspects in present and future research" 1980
"Geomedical research in relation to geochemical registration" 1984
"Geomedical consequences of chemical composition of fresh water" 1987
"Commercial fertilizers and geomedical problems" 1987
"Health problems in connection with radiation from radioactive matter in fertilizers, soils and rocks" 1988
"Excess and deficiency of trace elements in relation to human and animal health in Arctic and Subarctic regions" 1990
"Human and animal health in relation to circulation processes of selenium and cadmium" 1991