Broch, Harald Beyer: Jangan Lupa
An experiment in cross cultural understanding
Jangan Lupa is an remarkable book. It is at one and the same time an anthropologist's selective ethnography of a relatively isolated Indonesian island, the story of a father's skillful efforts to guide his Western children understanding of its exotic way of life, a perceptive account of the children's gradual creative adaptation to that way of life, and an insightful description of the islander's efforts to facilitate their adaptation. The book is remarkable not only because it comprises four separate genres, each illuminating the others, but also because it brilli antly weaves them together into a seamless narrative........
......he (Broch) has produced this pathbreaking study of the childre n's and the islanders' perceptions and interpretation of each other's behavior, values and motivations.
........it was Broch's insightful observations, his nuance interpretati ons, and his anthropological and psychological sophistication that make this book the important and instructive contribution that it is. For anthropologists and non-anthropologists alike it is an altogether fasci nating read.
(From the foreword by Melford E. Spiro)
Harald Beyer Broch, Ph.D. Social Anthropology; dr.philos., University of Bergen, is an Associate Professor in Social Anthropology at the University of Oslo. In addition to fieldwork on three different small islands in Indonesia, he spent 15 months among Hare Indian fur trap pers in Canada and has worked with Norwegian whalers hunting minke whales in the North Sea. He has some 80 national and internatio nal publications including three monographs.
The Institute for Comparative Research Human Culture, Oslo
ISBN 978-82-7099-350-5