Grue/Almås (Eds.): Food from the Ocean - Norway's Opportunities
John Grue and Karl A. Almås: Preface
Karl A. Almås and John Grue: Introduction - Norway, a Maritime Country and a Global Seafood Producer
Lisbeth Berg-Hansen: Challenges and Opportunities for Norwegian Aquaculture - A Research Perspective
Karl A. Almås: Values Created from Productive Oceans in 2050
Yngvar Olsen: Ecological Principles and Options for Seafood Production
Stig W. Omholt, Arne B. Gjuvsland and Jon Olav Vik: The Digital Salmon - Key to both More Science and More Profit.
Ragnar Tveterås: Growth and Innovation in Aquaculture: Can the Blue Revolution Continue?
Liv Monica Stubholt: HAV21 - An R&D Strategy for a Marine Nation of Substance