Csató, Éva Á. et al. (eds.): Turcological Letters to Bernt Brendemoen
This volume contains a collection of scholarly papers presented to Professor Bernt Brendemoen on the occasion of his 60th birthday by colleagues and students in the field of Turcology, the study of Turkic languages and literatures. The range of topics reflects the wide interests of the internationally renowned Norwegian scholar himself: Turkic syntax, phonology, sociolinguistics, the cultural context of the development of Turkish, Turkish varieties in Turkey and European immigrant communities, etc. A number of papers are devoted to literary topics. Orhan Pamuk, the Turkish Nobel laureate, publishes, for the first time, a text originally written for his novel "The Black Book".
ISBN 978-82-7099-488-5, 383 pp., Hardcover
Format: 17x24 cm, wight 0,85 kg, year of publication: 2009